The need for resistance

via Daily Prompt: Resist

When our glorious president Trump was elected, I was jumping up for joy, I was so happy that for my celebratory act, I burned an American flag. When Trump won the presidency, i knew that the American intelligence has officially died. We were already won of the dumbest industrialized  countries in the world before, but now there is undisputed proof that every nation or its people will look to in order to say that Americans are idiots. Cause we are, and Trump has fed on the ignorance of the republican voter, ignorance of basic facts and also ignorance of undisputed facts.  The thing about trump is that he doesn’t waist his time on fact or morals, he just says whatever the people want to hear in order to get elected and it work, and now he is doing the same tactic  to  create a polarized group of  loyalist that will always stand by him no matter what he does. A group of people that will won’t trust facts that go against trump. This is the start of the american dictatorship.

From each according to there ability to each according to there need.

The socialist idea of “each according to their ability to each according to there need” is an idea that has rippled throughout human society. This idea is that humans work on the behalf of there society rather than for them to work on their own behalf. It is a pretty popular idea and if a lot of countries accept this ideology as a base for their country, we could face to truth of world without starvation or a world of peace.

There are natural problems with this ideology. The problem is that it goes against human nature, our natural selfishness and our biases toward and against people based on our looks. Humans want to feel as they are above other humans, we like the idea that we are materialistically above other people due to social status. As a black man in the American South, I am bombarded with the idea of poverty being the product of people not working hard and being constantly demonized as black men being seen as dangerous or lazy. This idea that poverty is a product of laziness is absolutely false. People are in poverty because schools in impoverished areas are looked over and that good teachers work for selfish reasons rather than to help improve the lives of their students through education. Education is the gateway to self autonomy and it is imperative that the need for education be stressed in school.

Crime is higher in impoverish areas is due to the fact that criminals rarely need to worry about food, or rent or a car note. Criminals get to live better than someone that works two minimum wage jobs, commutes one hour to and from home and jobs, works almost twelve hour days and have to take there children to a over night daycare. The criminal is nothing but the creation of a capitalist society that abandons their poor. To fully understand the harm capitalism does to a group, all you have to do is be well traveled. To be short minded and say socialism doesn’t work, then try to answer a question that Fidel Castro asked. “People like to talk about the failure of socialism, but where is the success of capitalism in Latin america, Africa and Asia.

In order to have socialism to work, we must all play our part, not to work on the behave of themselves, but for their society. A doctor shouldn’t be able to turn down a dying man because he doesn’t have health care, nor should education quality be based on area or race. Nor should anyone be restricted from entering an area because of inability. We need a more universal economic system that caters to need and not just deed.

The Need for social change

In america, we have two groups, the radicals and the reactionaries. The radicals will  do what ever it takes to achieve any social change while the reactionaries will do whatever it take  to prevent change from happening. We must not try to go into a deep conflict of weather or not change is necessary, but we all know change is needed. Our election system is not fit for the modern era while our social ideologies on race, gender or just wealth are considered the old reactionary way of view.

Social change in a society is inevitable, radicalism is far more piratical than reactionary-ism .